A downloadable game for Windows

After a long-lasting 1000 years of peace, an old enemy comes to your domain and attempts to destroy your Home's only source of energy, you must defend your Home at all costs as if the enemy achieves its goal your home should be no more.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The game is a shooter game that have 10 levels total (may add more in the future).

The amount of Enemies will increase as you defeat each level.

If the player dies/gets blown up  it will restart on the level they lose, yes is a one life game so Good Luck!!!

Also you Hp will be restore to 10% if you die but if you lose the base it will not do it it will just keep the amount of health of hp you had before loosing.

the Damage you take will be carried to the next level and you want to repair the damage taken you will have to buy repairs at the main menu witch is 20% Hp each time you buy the repair kit.

If a level is too hard upgrade your self with increase damage and hp to progress if possible. 

Also when you rotate the vasal your aim will be disrupted  in other words your attacks may miss where you are aiming at.(Just a small warning)  \0v0/


Game Controls :

W/A/D ---------->  Forward  movement and Rotations 

Spacebar/LeftShift -----------> Ascend and  descend (Up/down)

Q/R/F -----------> Speed Boost(Overtime)/Reload/Zoom in and out (this is on a toggle)

M1/M2 -----------> Primary  attack (Can only reload when ammo is 0) and Secondary Attack (this has a cooldown)

ESC ------------> Pause game/close info window

Victory : Spacebar For next level/Backspace for returning to main menu

Game Over : Enter to restart/Backspace for returning to main menu

Speed Boost Overtime works like this =>( 1->10 while holding Q and 10->1 when not holding Q)

In other words the longer you hold it the faster you get and yes it has a limit, on the other hand if the player stops holding it then it will slowly loose the speed you gain and return to the Original speed.


This is my first game done alone with some help here and there I hope you all enjoy it as am pretty proud of it but if there is something you will like me to add you can suggest the ideas in the comments blow.

Enjoy and  have  fun :D


ok is fixed.


Small Update:

Level 8 Sound Effects missing Bug (Fixed)


Small update:

Enemy's Death Explosion (Re-Worked)


Big New Update:

New Player Weapon (Added)

2 Endless Mode Levels (Added)

In endless mode Only:

New Friendly Defenses

They will help defend the Base but they still can be destroy so keep that in mind!!!


Small update:

Hit Box Shifting Bug (Fixed)



Sky_Battle_Assault.rar 449 MB

Install instructions

Once downloaded it will be a WinRAR file so make a folder and extract it in there and that will be all.  


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I played the latest mode!

(1 edit)

Hello again for the people who have played my game this summer will be no updates but will start making the new level enemy's that will go to the next pack of levels (11 - 20) end as a little teaser they will be even more difficult to defeat then previous enemies as this time they will have abilities/skills of there own and it will be quite the battle to behold since I have a Massive pool of ideas and trust me it will be fun to make so hope you all prepared as this next 10 levels will be the said mid game gameplay.



(1 edit)

Bug notice at Night Endless LV some of the heavy Carries hit box have shifted behind the main model so keep that in mind if you see a shift in the name and thrusters locations. 

This will be fix at the next update!

Forgot to mention the AOE (Splash) Damage is 20% to 50% of the original Hit damage so yes it has damage reduced to balance the game.

Comment your opinions down here I do check this page often to ether post new updates or see the comments if there is any.